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Developing potential for Agrotechnology & Bio-Energy


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The increasing importance of bioenergy is having an enormous effect on the agricultural industry. Its growth is giving rise to new opportunities and potential for development. The creation of energy from the sun, wind and biomass has developed into a huge and continually growing market. However, with rising growth rates the requirements and conditions are also more demanding than ever. Complex structures, a high level of specialist knowledge and specialization, the increased growth of advanced technologies and production facilities are the dominant features characterizing this issue, as are the increasing costs of investments, planning and operations.

As an entrepreneur, you have to keep up with what is happening in the field of technology and come to grips with the prevailing economic and political conditions. The market demands a high amount of flexibility, as well as good connections to market participants and their networks.

SIQRON provides you the comprehensive support you need!

  • Agricultural expertise on technology and cultivation
  • Networking with operators and planners, the agricultural industry and agro technology
  • Market placement of your brands and products
  • Optimization of your sales and service performance
  • Acquisition of new customers and markets
  • Operative implementation of products, marketing and sales concepts

    We also focus on the key issue of biomass and biogas

    Owing to its competence in the agricultural industry and agro technology, SIQRON has focused, in particular, on biomass and biogas. We are the specialist partners for project developers and engineering companies for everything in connection with agro technology (including the choice of technology, work management, logistics). We also supervise subprojects, such as the planting and cultivation of short-cycle plantations, as well as develop concepts for the supply and management of bio energy facilities.
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